Yes, finally in my 1131st month, I've found the way to place scores in my Score page. I have listed all of my extant scores and have uploaded about one-fourth of them. As usual, this all came about rather indirectly. I started writing an ePub in which I hoped to enter all my music with a narrative description of the motivations for each creation. Soon the narrative got too verbose and the audio and video files became too large to be included in an ePub that could be easily shared. On Thanksgiving day, I was complaining to my daughter Sara's husband, Pete LeForge, who is a writer and Publisher, and he suggested uploading the big files to my web page or my Blog. I told him that my audio and some videos were already on my website and my Blog, but that I had not succeeded in uploading to my score page. I had been forced while trying to control placement of audio Links in the ePub, to learn a few basic things about html, so I took another look at my Blog page. After many trials came success, but each time an addition is made 'tiny' errors can bring down the whole page.
To view a score, simply Click on its Title in the List. I have not yet enabled Return buttons, so just click at the top of the Scroll Bar to return to the List. I do not oppose any non-commercial use of these files.
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