Saturday, November 21, 2015

Grace Cavalieri

To ‘review’ poetry requires reading with comprehension words, groups of words, often scattered or invented words, sometimes words with no rhyme or reason, and often words requiring vast knowledge of ancient history or writings. Each poet seeks to encode their vision of the struggles encountered in life in some way that is original to themselves. So the reviewer must be able to understand the needs of the poet in his/her attempts for originality. Grace Cavalieri is both a published poet and an excellent reviewer. Her reviews can be viewed at: 

For me it is difficult to comprehend how Cavalieri, in the time allotted by publishing ‘deadlines’, can absorb so many books, determine which are worthy of reviews, write the reviews … and still have time for her own creative efforts. Time is an unforgiving lover. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

On Being Awake

How important is being awake when one is in their 90’s? I suppose that sleeping all night and then most of the day is, in a way, a kindness. But after many years of setting daily goals and trying to achieve ‘something’, it is difficult to just do nothing because one can’t stay awake. I’ve been a tea drinker all my life, hot and cold, but gave it up a few years ago on the advice of a cardiologist. It did not help with an irregular heart beat, so now I am a ‘user’ again in an effort to stay awake. I have found that Provigil does keep me awake and seems to help in doing things again … but the cost of around $1100 for a month’s supply of the generic makes one seriously question … How important is being awake?